LC 101- Pauline is a Digital Marketing Expert from the Caribbean Islands but she has so many more stories to tell and we had an absolute blast recording this. The episode is not perfect, but we are sure you’ll love the content and general excitement we had talking. Enjoy & Chill!
if you’d like a follow up to this, we spoke again on linkedin live!
04:52 Why the switch?
07:37 Transition from employee to employer
12:35 Typical Working Day
15:37 Jobs for you
17:31 Travel and expansion
23:01 Capital and Business plan
26:34 Hardships faced
28:24 Greatest success
30:42 New clients vs Existing Clients
34:22 Diversifying your income-Event management
36:42 Why event management? Some audio lags-Sorry!
39:54 Will e-commerce sales go up and events scale down?
45:57 Favorite dance form and laughs galore
48:01 Favorite drink
50:04 Coffee questioN

LC 102- Colin is an Executive Coach & CEO Advisor from Vancouver and we delve into his journey in tech, the transition, and mindset of an entrepreneur, the intent, tips to trade and grow your wealth and so much more. My beard does get in the way at times, but don’t let that distract you from Colin’s words of wisdom. Enjoy & Chill!
01:57 Transition
03:37 Different start of tech career
09:05 Typical working day
12:00 Tools used daily
16:52 Business plan et al
19:29 New client acquisition
22:07 Change management
23:15 Client Onboarding, Maintenance & Self-growth
26:38 Colin’s upcoming book
27:47 Competition & collaboration
29:53 Favorite place
31:42 Longest day working
34:02 Carpet cleaning to CEO
38:27 Tips to someone starting anew
42:01 Favorites
46:51 Money to wealth-Dividends, Options, Stocks
52:07 Believe!

LC 103- Sandra is a trainer specializing in creating effective LinkedIn profiles and helping busy professionals with a social presence and then teaching them how to use those profiles for results. We discuss a lot more, delve into the origins of this career, learn more about Sandra and her business and the efforts of running a 1 person-business. Enjoy & Chill!
01:45 Accidental entrepreneur & reinventor
02:12 Laid off from University, led to Linkedin
06:03 Diversity in clients
07:43 Social media for the Socially reluctant
13:26 Mindest switch
14:52 Tools used daily, learning curve
21:01 Constant change and evolving the business
22:56 Walking is controlled falling
25:16 New client onboarding & growth strategy
29:04 Little fun memories with clients
31:49 Support network
34:37 Favorite podcast
35:31 Living in England,Canada,Germany,Thailand,USA
39:06 Favorite everything
42:03 Ideal day
43:25 Grey’s Anatomy makes an appearance
44:32 Different streams of income
46:17 Tips to immigrants

LC 104- daniel is a philosopher, tiny home guy, consultant and writing platform founder. in our conversation, we talk about his business journey- beginnings & beyond, capitalism, ethics,CRMS,minimalistic lifestyles, homeowner costs and more. Enjoy & Chill!
03:25 Peripatetic & why Daniel walks
04:47 Ikigai & a reason for being
06:57 Business-beginnings & beyond
12:25 Journey from consulting to writing
17:05 Praises for yours truly
19:00 US, Capitalism & Ethics
21:55 Are we always answerable to someone
27:35 Interviewee turns interviewer, CRMs are discussed
32:00 Use tech to virtually connect to help the environment
33:40 Trading bite sized tips
34:55 Business plan( or lack thereof)
38:20 Grocery business as a teen
41:00 Minimalistic lifestyle & gifting
45:15 Tiny Homes- construction & costs
52:10 Monumental standards & your budget
56:50 Tiny Homes, Real Estate, Future
59:30 Favorite bits
1:03:27 Success & Failure
1:10:25 Money talk!

LC 105- mike is a management consultant, ECM specialist, geologist, writer & fan of artificial intelligence, and a part time- explorer of vancouver. in our conversation, we talk working with the government, about how the business began, software dev delays, consulting,his business journey, not sleeping for 2 months & much much more. Enjoy & Chill!
02:05 Business born out of necessity
07:30 Enterprise Content Management
10:10 Migrating data & issues
14:30 Security & government restrictions
19:00 Origins, evolution & setbacks
30:00 Best success
31:43 Switch in mindset
36:30 Different Tools used
38:35 Fast ramp-up
42:10 Favorite place
46:30 Sci-Fi & Writing
49:20 Self-publishing, Artificial Intelligence
55:20 Multiple streams of income
1:01:30 Startup tips on finance

LC 106-Kyla is a badass boss babe and an entrepreneur right out of the womb. In our conversation, we talk about her journey from working in a bakery, to restaurants, mental health support, and building a superbly successful wax bar business.
We focus on her journey & transition from being self-employed to being an employer, a franchise builder and discuss so much else in the process- from the different tools used, and her experiences that led to crafting Foxy Boxy to learning curves, licensing and franchising.
Also check out the bits about creative marketing strategies, favorites bits & modes of transportation.
We truly are wide-ranging. And we laugh a lot. And cuss a bit. We did warn you. Now go ahead, Listen&Chill.
03:37 Baby Entrepreneur
06:19 Bakery, restaurant-the initial bits
07:41 Mental health & support work
11:11 Building the business
13:07 Vagicians- the origins
16:26 General day in the life of a founder
18:06 Self-employed vs Employer
21:20 Online Tools used
27:46 Licensing vs Franchising
29:31 Then vs Now
32:06 FoxyFest & Creative promotions
34:31 Expansion & future
36:19 Opportunities for you
38:04 Best moment of success
41:01 Worst ebb
43:04 Favorite places
45:02 Favorite quote
48:31 Boxing, yoga- (it’s called Boga) & cooking
52:16 Diversifying & flipping properties
56:07 Modes of transportation-Oh yes!

LC 107- Eli is a digital marketer and a trader. From mowing lawns at 12 years to now building a social media agency-Mojocial Media and a trading business, entrepreneurship is in Eli’s DNA. Eli is a trader in US Equities and crypto and loves boxing. We have a deep conversation about all of these topics and more.
We focus on his journey in trading, discuss tips, getting into a competitve market, mindset of a trader and entrepreneur.
Now go ahead, Listen&Chill!
To aid you better:
01:40 Team & business focus
03:20 Prev jobs and the do nots
04:50 Entrepreneur at 10
06:05 E-myth Revisited
07:30 A journey in the making
09:40 New vs Existing Clients
12:40 Different Mindsets-Technician, Manager & Entrepreneur
15:08 Work Life Balance
18:28 Barriers, Capital & Economic Moat
21:30 Tools used
26:55 Worst ebb & best moment
29:23 Origins of Trading
31:45 US Equities, Cryptocurrency trading
33:40 Goals
35:19 Favorite quote
36:46 Favorite hobby-in common with our last guest
38:27 Favorite podcast-it’s us 😉
39:45 Coffee question
40:50 Lockdown skills
42:56 Favorite drink (The Rock makes an appearance)
44:00 Different sources of income & trading tips
48:00 Why a TFSA account is important
52:40 Advice for the budding entrepreneur

LC 108- Adam Briglio is a seasoned recruiter-having worked for an agency and now internally recruiting for 5 locations.
We talk about his journey into recruiting- so for all aspirational recruiters, you’d love the first segment of this.
For job seekers we address that in the middle section- I would recommend listening to a recruiters perspective on how your resume or portfolio appears.
We also discuss soccer, legacies, comics and more. Listen & Chill!

LC 109- Jess Smith is an entrepreneur, ex-recruiter, and, a job search cheerleader.
(Note: That’s one of the best titles I have come across so far)
We talk about her journey from recruiting in the corporate world to building her career coaching business.
Transitioning into an entrepreneurial role while still doing what she adores- helping people find their dream jobs.
We also talk about her overall vibe, interacting with business coaches before starting a business, consistency in content creation.
And understand the true power of networking and informational interviews.
Jess also highlights the tools she uses, self-help steps she takes daily to consistently deliver the best to her clients.
Without further ado, its’ time to Listen&Chill.

LC 1010- Reza Varzidekhar (Reza Vee) is a startup founder, a 3rd generation entrepreneur, an adventurer & a fellow podcaster on Anchor.
Wise beyond his years, he has realized the importance of people and community in our success.
Here, we talk about his journey as an immigrant and entrepreneur, creating a product to fill the gap between an older school of thought and the new way to connect.
We also delve into social capital, or lack thereof when you move and how to truly make it as an immigrant.
Carving your own niche, connecting with people-online and offline, tools used to make edits and much more.
Reza radiates positivity with most of his comments and inspires throughout.
Without further ado, it’s time to Listen&Chill.